Pratyahara – More than Withdrawing from the Senses

Pratyahara - April 2021 Spring Blog Post Sage & Fettle Ayurveda with Angelina Fox, ERYT500, YACEP, Ayurveda Health Counselor and Yoga Teacher

You may or may not be aware that most modern yoga is based on eight tenets of life called the Eight Limbs of Yoga, or Ashtanga Yoga. Asana, the postures we make in yoga classes, is only one of the limbs. The first four are considered external practices, things we incorporate into every day life to be good people…

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Boosting Vitality (Ojas)

Boosting Ojas (Vitality) February 2021 Blog Post Sage & Fettle Ayurveda

In Ayurveda “ojas” is our vigor, strength, and immunity. When we aren’t feeling great, it is generally a depletion of this vital energy making us feel energetically, emotionally, and physically depleted. According to Ayurveda Philosophy, if we fully deplete our stores of ojas, it can lead to death as we deplete the energy that fuels our life. Luckily, there…

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Create Greater Wellbeing this Fall

Create Better Wellbeing this Fall - October Sage & Fettle Ayurveda Newsletter

Transitioning from summer to fall can be difficult on our system and our mindset. There are many things we can do to help make the transition a little smoother and easier to cope with. Fall is one of the most magical times of year. When the leaves begin to change from shades of green into purples, golds, pinks, and…

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