10 Travel Tips from Ayurveda

May 2022 10 Tips for Travel from Ayurveda Blog Featured Image

Although travel is exciting and fun, it can also be daunting. Putting together plans, coordinating schedules and events, and the actual travel time can lead to undue stress and that can take a toll on our health.   When we travel our routines are disrupted. Sleep is not usually as restful as it is at home or we may…

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Ayurveda Spring Cleanse

Ayurveda Spring Cleanse Featured Image Sage & Fettle Ayurveda Blog Post

What is an Ayurveda cleanse? An Ayurveda cleanse typically occurs around the seasonal changes, but is also useful in times when there are imbalances throughout the year. The purpose is to help boost the body’s natural rejuvenation and detoxification processes to cleanse the body and mind of excess kapha, pitta, or vata, to get digestion functioning optimally, and to…

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Boosting Vitality (Ojas)

Boosting Ojas (Vitality) February 2021 Blog Post Sage & Fettle Ayurveda

In Ayurveda “ojas” is our vigor, strength, and immunity. When we aren’t feeling great, it is generally a depletion of this vital energy making us feel energetically, emotionally, and physically depleted. According to Ayurveda Philosophy, if we fully deplete our stores of ojas, it can lead to death as we deplete the energy that fuels our life. Luckily, there…

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