Latest Past Events

New Year Winter Ayurveda Cleanse

Start your new year off with optimizing your digestive capability to maintain a healthy gut and support optimal health to reduce illness, digestive discomfort, and stimulate your digestion. Supported by the wisdom of Ayurveda, this "cleanse" will offer you insight into your health, relationship with food, and help clear out any clutter from the holidays so you can jump into the new year with your best foot forward.   Dates: Monday-Friday, January 22-26, 2024 Times: 7:30-8:30am (EST) daily for livestream morning yoga - Four pre-recorded videos will also be provided for evening practice on your own time Optional Prep Zoom...

New Year Winter Ayurveda Cleanse

Your Home

Start your new year off with optimizing your digestive capability to maintain a healthy gut and support optimal health to reduce illness, digestive discomfort, and stimulate your digestion. Supported by the wisdom of Ayurveda, this "cleanse" will offer you insight into your health, relationship with food, and help clear out any clutter from the holidays so you can jump into the new year with your best foot forward.   Dates: Monday-Friday, January 23-27, 2023 Times: 7-8am (EST) daily for livestream morning yoga - Four pre-recorded videos will also be provided for evening practice on your own time Optional Prep Zoom and Group...

Fall Ayurveda Cleanse

Your Home

Fall is a time of transition. A time of letting go of what was and taking time to reflect inward. Fall is the transition from sunshine, bright colors, vibrancy, and warmth, to shorter days, muted colors, enervated energy, and cooler temperatures. This transition can take a toll on our bodies, minds, and spirits if we do not take care to ease the transition by incorporating fall foods, slower activities, and nourishing every part of our being. A seasonal cleanse is one simple way we can give our digestion a boost and clear the way for new routines to support our...