Create Greater Wellbeing this Fall

Create Better Wellbeing this Fall - October Sage & Fettle Ayurveda Newsletter

Transitioning from summer to fall can be difficult on our system and our mindset. There are many things we can do to help make the transition a little smoother and easier to cope with. Fall is one of the most magical times of year. When the leaves begin to change from shades of green into purples, golds, pinks, and…

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Tongue Scraping

Tongue Scraping

A Simple Way to Stay Healthy Do you ever spend time looking at your tongue? No?! Well, according to Ayurveda we can learn a lot about our health by reading the messages on our tongue. If you take time to examine your tongue, and learn how to read it, which is too much for this blog post :), you…

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What’s Your State of Mind?

What's Your State of Mind Blog Post on the Maha Gunas

Ayurveda and yoga follow Samkhya Philosophy which divides the world of existence into two polarities of being: Purusha and Prakriti. This article won’t go into Samkhya Philosophy, as that is a whole other ball of wax. But, it is helpful to know that both Ayurveda and yoga follow the basic philosophical structure. Purusha is ultimate reality, all things that…

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New Year Winter Ayurveda Cleanse

Sage & Fettle Ayurveda Winter Cleanse Product and Square Event Image

Start your new year off with optimizing your digestive capability to maintain a healthy gut and support optimal health to reduce illness, digestive discomfort, and stimulate your digestion. Supported by the wisdom of Ayurveda, this “cleanse” will offer you insight into your health, relationship with food, and help clear out any clutter from the holidays so you can jump…

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